Sunday 7 October 2018

The Quest for Colouring Books

The humble colouring book. It keeps kids occupied for whole minutes. But now there’s a new craze; magic painting. All you need is a paintbrush and some water. Simply apply your paintbrush with water to the page and the printed image fills with colour. It’s just lazy painting if you ask me, and the colours that do appear are quite faded, but the kids love em and they don’t make as much mess as regular paints. So it was my job to source some more. I looked in supermarkets and bookshops and toy shops and discount stores but we couldn’t find them anywhere, so we resorted to the internet and had them sent through the post. The pictures aren’t exactly exciting; they’re just themes of things that you might see on a day out such as a boat or a zoo animal. I wander what their criteria is when deciding on which picture to publish.

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