Sunday 21 October 2018

A New Pet #dreamdiary66

I’ve got a new pet! I’m not exactly sure what it is, but I keep it in the garage. It’s kind of like a bald biped dog with a big head, large eyes, and wears a suit. It can stand on two legs, but when it goes outdoors it prefers to crawl on its hand and knees. It’s a spitting image of the tenth Doctor when the master ages him using his laser screwdriver. There’s no cage. Instead there’s a wicker basket and some blankets on the ground. I ask my brother to keep an eye on it while I’m away. Naturally, he wants to know what it is and what to do. All that’s required is to check that he’s back home after dark and that the garage door is locked and throw him the odd treat. Then in the morning all he needs to do is to let it out for the day and it’ll go out and fend for itself.

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