Wednesday 17 October 2018


"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." -Aristotle Onassis

It’s very easy to become distracted in today’s modern world. Even when you’re typing, there’s always some sort of noise that will pop up immediately demanding your attention to halt your task. But you’ll never get it done unless you sit down and see the task through. However grim the task looks, surely it’ll feel better when it’s over, and you can bask in the knowledge of a task completed. But by allowing yourself to be distracted, it’ll only take longer to complete the task, or it may not be performed at all. You’ve got to ask yourself how will you accomplish a task? What will get you motivated to see it through? What will stop you from mellowing over doing it and actually convince you to stir to action? Can you give yourself a reward at the end? Can you be disciplined enough to see it through by focusing on how the task will make things better?

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