Thursday 11 October 2018

Let's All do the Hop #dreamdiary65

There’s three of us standing at the bus stop waiting to board a double decker bus for a tour of Stratford-upon-Avon. The sun isn’t out; it’s actually quite dark and grey; but you can’t pick the weather when you decide to do these things. But Maz has still got her sun hat on. It’s a hop on and hop off tour. In front of us are two buses, both of which are due to visit the same destinations, and I’m not sure which bus to catch. I’m trying to remember which bus runs the most frequent which will reduce our time spent waiting at bus stops. There’s also a debate about which is the cheapest but the group is happy to go with my recommendation since I’m the local guide. We hobble up to the top deck and take our seats near the back. The next question is where to get off? Do we go all the way round and have a full tour first or do we hop off at the first attraction that excites us?

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