Monday 22 October 2018

Safety Woes

We’ve been given a new task at work from the people up high. Because one idiot has had an accident, we’re not allowed to store anything taller than four feet on the bottom shelf of our first-floor mezzanine. We have racking that goes through the floor from the floor below, and we have floorboards which acts as our ground, but the racking alongside it is just normal shelving. And just because one person has stepped fully inside to get an item, he got injured and the rest of us must change our whole floor accordingly. What a waste of time. We don’t train people to climb the racking, so why can’t we just train people not to step inside the racking? That would save a whole lot of bother. But the company has decided that they don’t trust us to do this, so we must do this right in the middle of our large delivery period when space is at its tightest.

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