Friday 26 October 2018

Time to Jump Ship

I’ve been invited to attend a training course which focuses on management skills and developing your confidence. I had to travel to Worcester to make a ten-minute presentation to a tutor that I’d only written a couple of hours before. Then it was a quick dash to make sure I’d get there in time. Unfortunately, there was a side plot asking me to attend an hour earlier but I was still devising my presentation at the time so I decided to ignore the message. A faux pas maybe? But I did manage to arrive a good fifteen minutes earlier, and spent the next hour talking to my tutor about my daily work life and how I thought I could benefit from his course. But it was not to be. I was told that he didn’t feel confident enough for me to complete the course. So if they decide not to show an interest in me, why should I continue to show an interest in them?

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