Monday 29 October 2018

From School to Shops #dreamdiary67

I’m at a new school and I’ve just arrived at my registration class. It’s time to go assembly but my form tutor still hasn’t arrived. As class team leader I feel that I should lead the way but there’s no register to take and I don’t know the way to the assembly hall. I decide to scout out which way to go and leave my class behind on their own. With any luck, the form tutor will have arrived by the time I get back.  I walk out into the corridor and find myself in an upmarket shopping centre with exposed tiled brick on the walls and archways decorated with marble columns. I follow some steps outside the shopping centre and decide to go in through the main entrance to look for a floor guide. I head towards a roadside roundabout with a McDonalds on the opposite side and enter an underpass system.

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