Wednesday, 31 October 2018
The robots are on the Phones
The timewasters have got another
weapon on their hands. Just when you think you’ve got some great response to
the spam callers asking for your details, they go one step further and bring
their robots into the game. They’re polite robots and they even say pardon, but
if you listen carefully you can hear their pre-recorded voice. They also rush
through the script a little bit to make them sound more human, but the most
obvious giveaway is when they give a response which isn’t in sync with your
reaction. Not everyone can tell the difference, but there is a thing of beauty
in this. You can swear at the phone as much as you bloody well like, and you
know you’re not offending anybody because Mrs. Robot doesn’t care. You might
even play with them to see how long you can get them to stay on the line for. But
then again, it’s still a waste of your time.
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Hydes First Frost at the Rising Sun, Redditch
You know it’s the first sign open
the curtains to see frost on the rooftops of the houses opposite you. Actually,
I have blinds and for some reason I walk into the bedroom opposite and open
those curtains to see how frosty it is outside. It’s mainly because the car’s
kept on that side of the house so I can get an idea if I must force myself to
go a bit faster that morning as I need to allow time to de-ice the windscreen.
If the weather’s gotten worse, I can make a quick assessment of the roads before
deciding whether to drive out. Nowadays, I keep my car in the garage if I remember.
It’s so snug to drive out with a clear windscreen while all the neighbours
scrape, spray and pour away. The only disadvantage is having to put the car in
and out as it uses more fuel each time.
Monday, 29 October 2018
From School to Shops #dreamdiary67
I’m at a new school and I’ve just
arrived at my registration class. It’s time to go assembly but my form tutor
still hasn’t arrived. As class team leader I feel that I should lead the way but
there’s no register to take and I don’t know the way to the assembly hall. I
decide to scout out which way to go and leave my class behind on their own.
With any luck, the form tutor will have arrived by the time I get back. I walk out into the corridor and find myself
in an upmarket shopping centre with exposed tiled brick on the walls and archways
decorated with marble columns. I follow some steps outside the shopping centre
and decide to go in through the main entrance to look for a floor guide. I head
towards a roadside roundabout with a McDonalds on the opposite side and enter
an underpass system.
Sunday, 28 October 2018
Delivering the Deal
It’s just crazy where our stuff
comes from lately. It might only be manufactured in the next town, but to get
it to your local shop it must be delivered from much further afield to a distribution
centre before it can be sent to the shelves. That’s because every little
process has been farmed out to another company to look after; which in theory
bumps up the price and makes each item that little more expensive. Then the distribution
company comes along which arranges a bulk discount which it keeps for itself.
It saves the factories from having to arrange shipping for its customers and
allows them to reach a wider range of customers. But this mass shipping often
means that items are mixed together for the deliveries; making items more
likely to be damaged along the way. The distributor then simply asks for the
stock to be replaced; which simply generates more items of less value.
Saturday, 27 October 2018
What will be some First World Problems in 2050?
Who can predict what happens in
thirty years’ time? Will there be a population crisis as healthcare improves
and people start to live longer? Will our streets be overcrowded with food
rioters willing to start World War Three just to get fed? Perhaps the
traditional First World will get broken down as countries have to use their military
might to secure resources from other parts of the world and others undergo a
change of occupancy. Climate is also a factor as the earth continues to get
warmer. Will there be weather wars for territories that experience fewer
natural disasters? Will some countries leave the first world after exporting
all their businesses to other countries? And will other countries enter it
after amassing a wealth of resources? Will we have to change the definition of
a First World because we will all be too busy immigrating from country to
country? Or will the robots make all the decisions for us?
Friday, 26 October 2018
Time to Jump Ship
I’ve been invited to attend a
training course which focuses on management skills and developing your confidence.
I had to travel to Worcester to make a ten-minute presentation to a tutor that
I’d only written a couple of hours before. Then it was a quick dash to make
sure I’d get there in time. Unfortunately, there was a side plot asking me to
attend an hour earlier but I was still devising my presentation at the time so I
decided to ignore the message. A faux pas maybe? But I did manage to arrive a
good fifteen minutes earlier, and spent the next hour talking to my tutor about
my daily work life and how I thought I could benefit from his course. But it
was not to be. I was told that he didn’t feel confident enough for me to
complete the course. So if they decide not to show an interest in me, why
should I continue to show an interest in them?
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Best Laid Plans
"Don't judge
each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant." -Robert
Louis Stevenson
You may not get your reward
instantly, but you must set the wheels in motion. That’s why some tasks are
just too difficult for some people to complete as the rewards won’t be received
for many years to come. It’s what hard work is all about. These days though,
people want instant results. They want their rewards now and don’t like to
wait. Either that or they’re very forgetful. But you also must bear in mind
that some seeds won’t sprout, and you must be prepared for that too. So, a
detailed plan is required from the very beginning, even before you lay your
first seed. If you don’t anticipate what you need to become successful, then
you’re going to need a lot of luck on your side. A successful day is a planned
day rather than a day that you receive everything. Unless you’re really, really
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
The Wish List by Eoin Colfer

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This short story about life and death is kind of a teen to adult level of Harry Potter without all the wizards and magic and stuff. There’s a great sense of realism with an expectant imagination as the characters try to re-interact with everyday life. There are also some great ideas of how the afterlife works; though I doubt very much that the custodians of each realm interact with other on a regular basis. It’s a shame that Coin didn’t give greater focus to the demons and mites and give them greater roles as antagonists, or least have a bit more interaction with the protagonists along the way. And I thought that Meg could have done with a bit more of an introduction. But what the book does teach is forgiveness while at the same time offers a sense of justice, together with a side dose of last regrets, hopes and dreams. There also some great use of puns. Not many books can do that.
View all my reviews
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Our Survey Says...
I’m recently getting a lot of
e-mails asking me to do surveys. Specifically, they’re for things that I haven’t
done yet. Although I’ve shown interest in their product and have made a
reservation to purchase their product or service, I haven’t physically gone
through and shown them the money. Next thing you know, I get an e-mail asking
me for an opinion of their service. So, because I haven’t used it, I decide to
give the worst answers possible to really make them think what they’re doing;
unless of course there’s an instant material gain from completing the survey.
If that’s the case, I complete it to the best of my ability to gain the prize.
But more and more companies are being careless in what they’re sending out.
They’re reaching out to everyone rather than just the odd individual. And that
makes it even more fun for us to take advantage of them.
Monday, 22 October 2018
Safety Woes
We’ve been given a new task at
work from the people up high. Because one idiot has had an accident, we’re not
allowed to store anything taller than four feet on the bottom shelf of our first-floor
mezzanine. We have racking that goes through the floor from the floor below,
and we have floorboards which acts as our ground, but the racking alongside it
is just normal shelving. And just because one person has stepped fully inside
to get an item, he got injured and the rest of us must change our whole floor
accordingly. What a waste of time. We don’t train people to climb the racking,
so why can’t we just train people not to step inside the racking? That would
save a whole lot of bother. But the company has decided that they don’t trust
us to do this, so we must do this right in the middle of our large delivery
period when space is at its tightest.
Sunday, 21 October 2018
A New Pet #dreamdiary66
I’ve got a new pet! I’m not
exactly sure what it is, but I keep it in the garage. It’s kind of like a bald
biped dog with a big head, large eyes, and wears a suit. It can stand on two
legs, but when it goes outdoors it prefers to crawl on its hand and knees. It’s
a spitting image of the tenth Doctor when the master ages him using his laser
screwdriver. There’s no cage. Instead there’s a wicker basket and some blankets
on the ground. I ask my brother to keep an eye on it while I’m away. Naturally,
he wants to know what it is and what to do. All that’s required is to check
that he’s back home after dark and that the garage door is locked and throw him
the odd treat. Then in the morning all he needs to do is to let it out for the
day and it’ll go out and fend for itself.
Saturday, 20 October 2018
Marvellous Millie
Millie is an amazing and
beautiful little girl. Aside from being cuddly and cute and three years old,
she also had to undergo an operation to widen of the valves to her heart. She only
went for a scan at the hospital and the news came back later in the day that
she had to be taken in for her operation three days later. Of course, we were
all worried sick while she was under the knife; but Millie was too young to
understand what was going to happen. And after the operation she woke up a
little tired but was still happy enough to sit up and eat some breakfast. She
was even quite proud of her battle wounds which will probably heal up in next
to no time. It just goes to show how tough you can be when you’re three and you’ve
got to look up to a big sister.
Friday, 19 October 2018
Spelling doesn’t seem important
in today’s modern world. When you’re writing something, you can just press a
button and allow the computer to do all the work for you. Yet it’s amazing to
see how many people publish their documents without taking the time to do this.
So many memos have gone out with the omittance of simple words that take their
instructions into doubt merely because the author hasn’t taken the effort to
check their work. But even when the check’s done, there’s always a word that
the computer reads as legible but makes no common sense within the context of
the document. It only takes a quick check to realise that you’ve written
something incomprehensible by reading it through afterwards. And it really
annoys that these people have the power to dictate what we should do yet they
haven’t taken the time or detail to complete the task themselves.
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Blue Bell Brew House Trident at the Blue Bell Cider House, Warings Green
I was a bit disappointed with
this venue. I’d pictured it to be an old converted country cottage. Instead we
drew up at this great bricked up building alongside a country road. Inside, the
front room had been done out like a large working men’s social club with rows
of tables and chairs. A long bar led up the side, while at the back was one man
struggling to serve the whole bar. I was also hoping for a bigger range of
beers but I could only see three available. Towards the back was more
traditional. A large room opened out and served as a gateway between the kitchen,
conveniences and a door to an outside patio garden which ran alongside the canal.
Of course, a November evening wouldn’t be the best time of year to appreciate
this facility and perhaps another visit in the warmer months might do the pub
some justice.
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."
-Aristotle Onassis
It’s very easy to become
distracted in today’s modern world. Even when you’re typing, there’s always
some sort of noise that will pop up immediately demanding your attention to
halt your task. But you’ll never get it done unless you sit down and see the
task through. However grim the task looks, surely it’ll feel better when it’s
over, and you can bask in the knowledge of a task completed. But by allowing
yourself to be distracted, it’ll only take longer to complete the task, or it may
not be performed at all. You’ve got to ask yourself how will you accomplish a
task? What will get you motivated to see it through? What will stop you from
mellowing over doing it and actually convince you to stir to action? Can you give
yourself a reward at the end? Can you be disciplined enough to see it through
by focusing on how the task will make things better?
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Golden Duck Rev Green at the Old Moseley Arms, Balsall Heath
This pub is hidden away from the hustle
and bustle of a main town road, and can found in a small quiet, cul de sac. Its
bricked terraced walls and wood-framed windows blends in well with the rest of
the street. Because of that, it’s the hub of the community. That said, there’s not
much room for lounge chat. A wooden horseshoe bar divides the front room into
two identical lounges, neither of which offers much in the way of lounge
seating. The rear folds out into a few smaller booths which are used to serve
up excellent Indian food that the pub provides. Beyond this is a private room
which acts as a lounge, though it’s quite a way from the main bar. There’s also
a comfy courtyard outside. Beers are usually from West Midland breweries and a
beer festival is held once a year in the outside courtyard.
Monday, 15 October 2018
New Shoes
It was time for a new pair of
toe-capped boots. I’ve had my current pair for about five years, but the boot was
starting to come away from the sole, and underneath the hole was getting
bigger. I asked the boss for a new pair but that would set me back twenty
pounds. I then toyed with the idea of popping off to the flea market in Birmingham,
but that would take time. Instead, I chose the convenient option of ordering
them off the internet and having them delivered to the workplace. They looked
pretty smart and arrived fast and there was even a spare shoelace. But of
course, I didn’t have the option of trying them on first. Just like my old
boots, my feet began to rub into them. So once again, I have to go through
another phase of blistery feet while I get used to them.
Sunday, 14 October 2018
Bathams Best Bitter at the Vine, Brierley Hill
This pub is hallowed ground. It’s
here that one of the Midlands’ most famous beers was first brewed. Don’t let
the bright yellow walls put you off; it a genuine atmosphere inside with lots
of little rooms to sample. The bar is a simple saloon with a great range of hot
snacks, though it only serves two real ales (or three at Christmas if you’re
quick enough). The beer here is as cheap and as fresh as you can get it on the
planet, though you may have a bit of a wait if there’s a crowd in. In the back
is a long corridor with small rooms leading off into other private parlours. In
the front room is a large lounge divided into two by a partition and plenty of
brewery memorabilia adorns the walls. It’s certainly used as a lounge as many
locals like to prop up the larger tables by perusing the day’s news alongside a
Saturday, 13 October 2018
Misplaced Management
It’s a busy pub. There’s a wait
of three deep at the bar and everyone is shouting their order across the
counter to a young skinny blond girl. To the rear is a huge stack of glasses
waiting to be washed, while on the other side people are hammering on the swing
door to the kitchen demanding attention.
‘Captain? Captain? I could do with
a hand. We’re really busy.’
‘Busy?! BUSY?! Were the frogs
yelling and screaming at me with pieces of paper demanding plates of snails and
chardonnay? No. They were firing bullets left right and centre with cutlasses
swishing and swooshing demanding my blood, and did I get a hand? No. I was
ducking and diving for cover, dodging every bullet, parrying off every thrust
that came my way, and I still live to tell the tale. So if you can’t fence off
a couple of punters craving a pint, then get out of the kitchen.’
Friday, 12 October 2018
Thornbridge Wild Swan at the Jolly Crispin, Upper Gornal
A flock of swans generally keep
to themselves. They’ll hang around in small groups, separating only to grab the
nearest piece of food. But occasionally you’ll spot a swan that’s gone solo.
Separated from its peers, it wanders the waters alone, though often it hangs
out with smaller water fowl to make it look like king of the duck pond. You can
almost picture it wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket by the way it struts.
It’s more likely to be spotted in manmade water features than natural rivers as
the pickings are better. Sometimes it leads its gang like groupies who worship
the one with the master plan to get fed. In earlier times it must watch the
groups to see who he must eliminate or influence to become the new leader. But
in truth, it’s abandoned the ways of its fellows and it’s going it alone.
Thursday, 11 October 2018
Let's All do the Hop #dreamdiary65
There’s three of us standing at
the bus stop waiting to board a double decker bus for a tour of
Stratford-upon-Avon. The sun isn’t out; it’s actually quite dark and grey; but
you can’t pick the weather when you decide to do these things. But Maz has
still got her sun hat on. It’s a hop on and hop off tour. In front of us are
two buses, both of which are due to visit the same destinations, and I’m not
sure which bus to catch. I’m trying to remember which bus runs the most
frequent which will reduce our time spent waiting at bus stops. There’s also a
debate about which is the cheapest but the group is happy to go with my
recommendation since I’m the local guide. We hobble up to the top deck and take
our seats near the back. The next question is where to get off? Do we go all
the way round and have a full tour first or do we hop off at the first
attraction that excites us?
Wednesday, 10 October 2018
Brewers of Epic Ales
As part of our visit, we were
treated to a tour of the brewery, or at least as much as we could see while
sticking our heads through the door of an open shed. We were met at the back of
the pub by Head Brewer Simon who told us about the history of the brewery while
cracking open a few bottles for us to sample. There were a couple of tables on
a decked area with a wooden roof and a very thick shed door. Beyond this was
the kettle and the fermenter where the action takes place, in front of a desk
crammed with bottles. They also do story nights where they tell tall tales of
folklore about Dwarfs and their beers. I ended up taking away a few of the
Christmas beers; a nicely spiced strong ale which raises hairs on your chest
rather than on your face like Simon’s beard. Though I suppose that everyone has
a different reaction.
Tuesday, 9 October 2018
The Incredibles 2
This film was too predictable. You
could spot the protagonist right from the start. There was also too much misery
from the children; all they seemed to do was whine which made them very annoying
characters. That said, her powers and the methods in which she operated were
quite novel, and it really makes you think about how much time we spend staring
at screens in our lives. I didn’t think that the comedy between the family in
their downtime worked when they battled to sort out their everyday lives. It
was great to see a novel cast of secondary characters with interesting powers.
The moments with Jack-Jack were just too cute, and it was a shame that he didn’t
adopt his protagonist as a pet. Overall, the film carries over too much from
its prequel and there isn’t really anything new here. I think it would have
been more interesting if they focus was solely on the children’s lives rather
than the mother; which would have made the movie less repetitive.
Monday, 8 October 2018
Essential Istanbul by Sylvie Franquet & Anthony Smith

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
As travel guides go, this isn’t bad. It lists all the major attractions together with some information about their history. But a lot has happened since then. What the guide doesn’t do is go into the geographical scale of the city. There’s very little detail about getting around from place to place, and rather than dividing the city up into districts it simply provides lists and information about the attractions. As it’s an AA guide, it does go into driving routes around the city but doesn’t comment about the other methods available. When it comes to night life, there’s lots of information about specific places but it doesn’t go into detail about the areas or display maps that they’re in. this book might be great if you spot it at a car boot sale to get a flavour of the city’s history, but I’d highly recommend something much more up to date if you’re looking for information to rely on.
View all my reviews
Sunday, 7 October 2018
The Quest for Colouring Books
The humble colouring book. It
keeps kids occupied for whole minutes. But now there’s a new craze; magic
painting. All you need is a paintbrush and some water. Simply apply your
paintbrush with water to the page and the printed image fills with colour. It’s
just lazy painting if you ask me, and the colours that do appear are quite
faded, but the kids love em and they don’t make as much mess as regular paints.
So it was my job to source some more. I looked in supermarkets and bookshops
and toy shops and discount stores but we couldn’t find them anywhere, so we
resorted to the internet and had them sent through the post. The pictures
aren’t exactly exciting; they’re just themes of things that you might see on a
day out such as a boat or a zoo animal. I wander what their criteria is when deciding
on which picture to publish.
Saturday, 6 October 2018
Fownes Crispin's Ommer at the Jolly Crispin, Upper Gornal
This pub is set on the hillside
of beautiful Upper Gornal. There’s a regular bus service from Sedgley and you
can do a great tour of Black Country pubs by bus. In previous visits, the pub’s
beer garden overlooked the rest of the valley, but this year the view has been
spoiled because of houses being built below. Inside, the pub has a large lounge
with a traditional log fire and a back room which also acts as a restaurant and
there’s a corridor with facilities linking the two, while the bar sits in the
middle serving both rooms. The only trouble here is the slow service as there’s
usually just the one member of staff. Beers are usually from local brewers and
are on display on a chalk board. I always like to look at the pump clips though
as you’ve got a better chance of recognising whether you’ve had the beer or
not, and it’s more up to date than the chalk board too. There’s also a brewery
that’s behind the pub and we got to visit this on our most recent visit.
Friday, 5 October 2018
A New Taste of India
We tried a new Indian restaurant today
on a recommendation from our friends. They told us that a set menu was
available of a starter, main, dessert and drink for under £12; and we could
also take our own drinks. We arrived and got a table next to the window and the
waiter quickly dispatched some poppadums but never offered to open our drinks
for us or supply the correct vessels. We also weren’t told about the set menu
and had to ask for it. Once we established that we could get the deal, I
ordered a sheek kebab. It was a bit tougher than what we usually have and
lacked a marinated flavour; but we were paying a cheaper price. It was well
presented with dribbles of sauce on the plate; though the accompanying salad
was warm. Next up was a Kashi Dali which was presented in a giant bowl. It certainly
was filling; though again the meat was a bit tough. Then dessert came which was
a slice of dry chocolate cake; though there were sweets in bowls as an
alternative. Not the most authentic of Indian meals, but it made for a nice cost
effective change.
Thursday, 4 October 2018
Backyard Antipodean at the Bishop Vesey, Boldmere
This was a delightful little Wetherspoons
that we visited on our way into the Black Country. It was a modern pub that was
quite cosy and had lots of little snugs and lounges. We grabbed a table and
ordered breakfast through the app to avoid the queues. Others questioned our
methods but it gave us more time to relax and plan the rest of the trip while we
waited. We weren’t sure how they would bring out the tea but they just brought
the mug and pointed us in the direction of the self-service machine. Despite this,
the staff were very happy and efficient in their service and were pleasant to
talk to. After our nosh we decided to try the beer. It was a bit of a strong
one for our first drink of the day but it was the only beer that I hadn’t tried
before and it was very refreshing.
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions...
"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely
tenacity." -Amelia Earhart
What should you do? That’s the
question that many of us face every day when deciding what to do with our spare
time. How will the day best be spent? For some people, there’s not much choice.
But when you do have some spare time; how do ensure that you are making the
best decision? Do you do those niggling little jobs that you’ve been put off?
Or do you relax and save them for another time for when they really matter, and
they must be done? The trouble is that you need to have a sense of how long a
task will take and whether you have the energy to complete it. If you change
your decision, then you know that you’re in trouble. But it’s the deciding that
takes up most of my time. When you commit to doing the task without putting it
off, then you know that you’ve made the right choice. Make your decision and
stick to it.
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Derby Brewing Company Business As Usual at the Weighbridge, Alvechurch
I sometimes wonder if landlords
hold a grudge over me. Hopefully it’s just paranoia. I’m someone that they must
know to retain links and be of reputable standing in our beer society. It’s not
as if I’m a regular in their pub, or attend their special events, or go there
on a regular basis, even though I do my best to attend. Honestly, I’d love to
be a loyal local, but I’d just be bored. Not everyone is friendly each and
every time you visit a pub. I also like to move around to find out the best
number of guest beers. Likewise, I don’t expect special treatment. I’m happy
just to be treated as a normal customer and don’t expect everything to stop
just because I ask a question. It is nice to get special treatment but then I think
that I should repay the favour in turn somehow.
Monday, 1 October 2018
A Social Swim #dreamdiary 64
I’m being looked after by a
social worker. I don’t really know why the state has suddenly decided that I need
to be looked after. The social worker has suggested that we go swimming and
that I meet up with my friends there. We set off in her car which is a small
brown fiat and there’s not much room in it. We pull up at a car park behind a
pool. I explain that we’re at the wrong pool and that the pool that I regularly
go to is much bigger. The social worker explains that we’re here because the
car parking here is much cheaper. We go in and the pool is tiny. It’s literally
a ten-foot square in the ground. Even though I can swim and swim regularly, the
social worker insists that I try and paddle towards her. There’s a group of
people standing at the edge waiting to go in. I just shrug and do what I’m
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