Tuesday, 31 December 2024
The right Pipe #ralphcourtgardens 7
Monday, 30 December 2024
Growing Expectations #vampress 22
They would have to be big and thick since she was a lot of woman. Huge biceps with calves and energy to match so she could be squeezed and held in all the right places. Getting them at their optimal level wouldn’t be a problem but they’d have to be trained to stay that way. They’d have to be willing to climb in without hesitation. She wanted to dominate but be swarmed by them at the same time so that she could dispose of them at their will. But she wanted the best of the best so they’d have to be good looking too. They’d need slightly more build and less of the gorm that was usually available in the town. Because of their size, they might even need specialist clothes. They’d have to grow into them, but at least she’d save a fortune on bedding. She wondered how long it would take…
Sunday, 29 December 2024
Getting Annoyed at Trees #ralphcourtgardens 6
This was the storytelling tree. Don’t get too close or you’ll
get a bit wet. It’s a shame that I started the video at the wrong time. The
little ones are getting a bit impatient for something to happen, and they’re
keen to continue exploring. They’re conscious of their surroundings and we
might be blocking the way, but we have a right to be there too. Or they might
be a bit afraid of the people coming since we should be trying to isolate. We
have to wait for the tree to start telling the story again. One adult is trying
to be compassionate with the children and teach patience while the other is
trying to teach self-awareness but there’s a bit of self-involvement too. Considering
it was a beautiful sunny day; I can’t believe how much wind the phone picked up
when we visited. It was either that or my ears were still really blocked.
Saturday, 28 December 2024
Why is English the official language of the European Union when Great Britain isn't even a member?
I’m wondering if the person who’s asking this question thinks that Great Britain and the United Kingdom are two separate countries. One used to be in the European Union and one has never been in. But it’s the same with air traffic. English rules the skies. It’s because of our empire. Britain were the original international traders since their explorers went everywhere, mainly because they were keen to get off the isle. Perhaps it’s the easiest language to learn rather than it’s done as a convenience. Our population may be greater than we realise since we have absorbed so many cultures. And once other countries began to trade with us, it would probably be easier to communicate with others rather than having to learn an entire third language. It is a bit weird since other countries would be bus disputing their borders whereas all the Brits had to do was to build a boat to tell them that they were there. It’s nice when things work out that way.
Friday, 27 December 2024
Unseen Players #ralphcourtgardens 5
Thursday, 26 December 2024
Little Guy calling Big Guy
Hello. How are you? I hope you're doing well. Today, I started my day with breakfast and then went to school. We had a math class, and for lunch, I had ham salad sandwiches. I always strive to work hard so that you can enjoy yourself, but I also want to enjoy myself. I often find myself worrying about the future and spending too much time thinking instead of taking action to make things go my way. This makes it difficult for me to talk about things, and I end up hiding away and distracting myself instead of making things happen for the better. This puts me out of sync because I spend too much time worrying, which leads to feeling overwhelmed and appearing as if I don't care. I need to break through this barrier and tackle my tasks to stay on top of things. People give me time to complete tasks, but I often don't use it wisely, which causes me to panic. I hope to overcome these challenges to improve myself and make things better for you.a panic. I hope that I am is overcome these things to make you better.
Wednesday, 25 December 2024
Paddle or a Waddle #ralphcourtgardens 4
Tuesday, 24 December 2024
Last Orders #dreamdiary 191
It’s a lovely summer’s day and we’re enjoying a meal at a local taverna. It’s quiet but the staff are very attentive and friendly. We’re sat in a small whitewashed room with room for a few small square tables. At the back is a pair of ornate brown doors and beyond this the view looks down onto the sea. It’s run by a lovely old mother wearing a traditional black widow’s dress and a white apron. We’ve had a lovely homecooked meal and we’ve just ordered dessert while we finish our drinks. The owner smiles at us as she slowly crosses the tiled floor to the doors. She looks at her watch then slams them. Quick as a flash, she bolts the door into the frame. Then without a word, she looks at us again and walks off. It appears that local hospitality ends the minute it hits closing time.
Monday, 23 December 2024
Tailing Off #ralphcourtgardens 3
Sunday, 22 December 2024
Play the Queen's Christmas Day Message
Well, she’s gone. So I’ll be surprised if it’ll be there any more. It might be replaced by the King’s Christmas message, though it’ll probably prompt me for it. Nope, I’m told that the content isn’t available. There’s no alternative for it either, just an apology. So I’ll ask for the King’s instead. You’d think that it’d have the intelligence to suggest an alternative though. But when I ask for a King, I can’t get that either. I suppose that the Queen was a bit more fun-loving whereas the King could be a bit anxious of AI replacing jobs that a human could do, though in this case it is probably an advantage since it’s another medium to broadcast his message. I suppose seeing it is a lot different to hearing it, and perhaps some context could be lost if it’s only heard. But we didn’t even get a welcome this year, just a backlog of his engagements.
Friday, 20 December 2024
"You Can't Go Back"
It’s just a fact. The whole point in life is to move forward and make progress. Even if you’re a time-traveller, you’re aware of something you’ve previously experienced, and it’s possible that you’ve journeyed to stop a mistake from being repeated. You might have made mistakes in the past, but you need to learn from them and if you can’t correct them, use the knowledge to stop yourself from repeating them again. Sometimes you can’t undo the things that you’ve done, so you need to think very carefully about your actions. There’ll be some that you regret doing and there’ll be others that you’ve wished you had done. The past cannot be changed. Your intentions might be noble, but they’re also going to have an effect on others who may not benefit or believe your actions will be correct. And if you keep changing your mind, others may not want to cooperate with you any more.
Thursday, 19 December 2024
Just Visiting #ralphcourtgardens 2
Wednesday, 18 December 2024
It’s a handy number to have. You never know when you might need it. There might be something happening that you’re already involved with. Sometimes you don’t want to interfere, especially if you want a comfortable journey and don’t want to cause a delay. But if you need assistance, it’s there…in theory. Will they delay the train or will they simply get on and keep the peace? Will they be in disguise or in full uniform? Will they need you to provide evidence? Are they going to be focused on who has tickets or who is disturbing the peace? Is the number still in use? Let’s hope that I won’t have to use them, though there’s times when it’s been close. And once they’ve dealt with the problem, how do they get back? Do they have to wait for a passing train in the opposite direction? Do they have a car to follow them? Or is it just chance depending on the procedure?
Tuesday, 17 December 2024
Ralph Court Gardens #ralphcourtgardens 1
Monday, 16 December 2024
The Father
This was a powerful film that kept viewers guessing at the ending. Although simple since it involved the use of three or four actors and a small set, it certainly raised some issues. Initially, it’s hard to say where the mix-up is or where the film set, and it’s hindered by different actresses who all wear the same clothes and hairstyles. It’s not sure where the film’s set owing to the different locations and partners portrayed. The music is simple but sometimes silence works best to convey the confusion. It’s not a tearjerker but it makes you think about how to deal with these situations and wonder if people are asking out of love or are taking advantage of them. But it’s a feeling that lots of people face every day. The truth is difficult to determine. There’s sympathy and frustration as the characters try to work out the events that are being put to them.
Sunday, 15 December 2024
Milestone Loxley Ale at Alestones, Tardebigge
Saturday, 14 December 2024
Pints Beats Pills
It’s a nice headline. And there are social benefits. You’re contributing to someone’s income, and someone checks over you every day that you visit. You’ll be invited to stay and go as you like providing that the licensee’s always happy to see you and knows that you won’t cause any trouble. But it’s not free like our drugs are. And the effects might not be the same for everybody. It could be deadly to some. It might numb the pain like paracetamol, but it may also cause the user to stop caring. It might also cause them to become aggressive and they may lose control of their actions. Drunk in moderation, it might help, and it’s even recommended by the government. It’s all about finding the right dosage. With careful measurements, you could combine both and take them at the same time. You’d have to know what the effects would be though.
Friday, 13 December 2024
Canal Chaos #stratford 8
Thursday, 12 December 2024
Home Padded Faux Leather Folding Office Chair -Grey
If it’s lasting comfort that you’re looking for, then jog on. But if you want a quick chair that’s easy to move around a small room while providing a bit of support when you do need to sit, then this is for you. There’s a small space on the backrest that’s small enough to put a hand in should you need to pick it up and carry it somewhere else. The colour matches the carpet for the room that we have in mind. Rather than legs, it has a frame so you shouldn’t get too many holes in the carpet. In the office, it’s light and practical and the colours blend well with the light furnishings. The black bits on the frame offer grip to stop the chair from gliding across the carpet, and these can be removed if you’re using it on a hard surface. I’m not sure it’s the ideal for a dining chair though.
Wednesday, 11 December 2024
Clopping Around Clopton #stratford 7
Tuesday, 10 December 2024
Water bills to rise by around 20% in April
It’s not good news for those who like brews, especially home brewers. Obviously, most brewers get their water from the tap, which will see a big rise in the production of the cost of beer. Some brewers are lucky enough to have a spring for their source, but even so this still needs to be treated when the brewing process begins. Hopefully those who operate on a commercial basis will be able to strike a deal. The other worrying thing is wastage, as a pint can take up to ten pints of water to make owing to the brewing and cleaning processes used. Modern technology has helped to reduce this wastage, but not everyone has the funds to invest in this technology. So I’ll be going at work more often than not to cut down on costs, and I’ll be using the water fountain to fill up my flask more often as well.
Monday, 9 December 2024
Ill Groomed #stratford 6
Sunday, 8 December 2024
Burrowing Away #titanabell 22
The servants sprang into action. They didn’t know every inch of the castle, but they certainly knew the fastest and stealthiest routes to get about without being detected by other members of the household. If there was a siege, the castle wouldn’t hold up at all owing to the number of hollow tunnels carved in between each wall. Everyone would want breakfast which would be served in the dining room, but each bedroom would require morning refreshment, especially the guests. With the guards not being around it would make things easier but they were still behind. They wondered what the cause was and what kind of punishment would be in store for those responsible. But the priority was to complete the investigation before reporting to the guests. In the meantime, a runner was sent to inform the royal party to apologise for the delay and to remain in their quarters for their own safety while the castle was being investigated.
Saturday, 7 December 2024
YMCA #stratford 5
Friday, 6 December 2024
Boarding Bribe #dreamdiary 190
We’re on a holiday tour of Asia. This leg of our trip requires us to board a ferry for a short trip on the sea to our next destination. We’re given a boarding time and an assembly point so that we have a bit of leisure time at the port, and all we have to do in the meantime is get our passports stamped as we pass through. We head through the security post, and everyone looks like they’re occupied with someone but there’s nothing to simply stop us from walking through. But we wait to get our passports stamped as we are told and we spot other people queuing in front of us in our party. There’s a bit of confusion as I present my passport as on my Visa page there’s a picture of my mother which is the process that they require. However, my mother is travelling with me so there’s a bit of confusion. I present the correct page and the officer tells me that’s not right. Then I present my UK driving license as further proof that it’s me and it’s still not right. Then she decides I have to pay a fine so I place a silver coin on the counter and walk away. I’m not sure if the coin was even a euro or if was just a scam to try and get money out of me, but I collect my documents without the required stamp. This is the first time that my travel documents have been examined inland. I wonder if this is going to occur every time.
Wednesday, 4 December 2024
Why do British people spell "program" as "programme"?
There’s actually different definitions for the terms. A program is something that you’d use to complete a task on your computer. It’s a professional dictating a computer how the memory or ram should behave. Or at least it used to be, it’s more commonly known as an app now, even on a desktop computer. A programme is something that you’d have to describe a plan for an event. Pop into a theatre and pick up a copy of Playbill (if it’s still going) and you’re looking directly at a programme. It’s a series of events rammed into a piece of paper telling you what is going to happen. It might tell you where to find things or it could just be a list of the acts with information about the performers and when to expect an interval. Some are even uniquely numbered and are sold as part of a prize draw. And of course, the British have been holding fetes and performances a lot longer than other countries…
Tuesday, 3 December 2024
On the Bench #stratford 4
Monday, 2 December 2024
From the Future to the Present
Right. I'm disappointed in you. I think of all the times that you've been sitting on your own when you could have been doing something a bit more productive. It explains the mess that I’m now in. It could have been prevented, yet you’ve done nothing. You had plenty of opportunities to get things done and it’s just made me very annoyed. You might have been living in the moment, but you could have spent a little bit of time to help me out. It's such a downer. You're not normal, but you need to make the time to do normal things so that you can cope with everyday tasks. You need to use every minute effectively. Rest when you're tired, not all the time. That way, you’ll wear yourself out, but you’ll also recover faster. Take some action that others can be proud of. And it wouldn't hurt to get ahead of yourself occasionally so that you can use your downtime to your advantage. Hopefully, by following these steps, you'll be in a better position than I am.
Sunday, 1 December 2024
Ogling the Obelisk #stratford 3
Saturday, 30 November 2024
Song Blast
Is it a musical melody of people singing? Am I going to be showered with music from the charts and I have to guess the song and artist? Or is it a continuous mixture of songs blended together? Will there be a daily scoreboard which I will have to subscribe to? And will Alexa be the host or will it be someone else? The first thing I have to decide is whether I want notifications sent or not. I decide to give it a go. I’ve then opt for subscriber information which I abort. Next comes the playlists to choose. The songs start but I’m not told what I have to do, possibly because I’ve played before with the girls but it’s easy to figure out. I try to instruct Alexa with another task halfway through but she ignores me, but I still beat my opponent. I now rank ten thousand and something but I don’t know who my rivals are or how many are below me or whether it resets every week. I could be at the bottom.
Friday, 29 November 2024
The Beacon Beckons #stratford 2
Thursday, 28 November 2024
"It's Behind You"
-The Doctor.
It’s always nice to have a second pair of eyes to help you
out and spot anything that you’ve missed. It helps tasks to get completed
quicker, so long as you’re happy to repeat the favour when your partner needs
it, whether it’s looking for the TV remote or warning them of something with tentacles that’s just out
of sight. It’s the classic panto gag. A lot of people will hear this a lot over
the next few months. Most people will say it to help others out, whether it’s
an evil monster, a way out, or something physical that they’re looking for. It’s
interesting that they’re referring you to your arse. Perhaps earlier scholars
used to say ‘It’s behead you’ until heads starting rolling off and the term
meant something completely different so they started to refer to another part
of the body. Maybe later searchers were ‘benecking’ it.
Wednesday, 27 November 2024
A Clamour Around Stratford #stratford 1
Tuesday, 26 November 2024
Babblin' About the Brook
This was a fantastic little country boozer. In some ways it was a victim of its own success. it was known for its upmarket food in a quaint country spot. It wasn’t too far out of the town to drive or a meal, but its big attraction was the Friday night bands which were perched in the corner for everyone to join in. We’d often walk the mile down the road to get the pub then call for a taxi and join the fumbled queue of someone waiting for a ride when the taxi drivers didn’t care as there was plenty of business to be had and they’d just try to take the fares that looked like they’d tip them afterwards. The licensee was an absolute legend of a host who always welcomed whoever walked through his doors, but he got a huge offer to sell it to a pub company then left for better clients in the south.
Monday, 25 November 2024
Friends in Low Places
Sunday, 24 November 2024
Family Guy
There’s some big characters with big personalities in this show. It capitalises on the American self as each character tries to assert their dominance while still trying to remain a member of the group. Their screentime isn’t shared equally. It all depends on who the storyline centres around each week; though they may have pop-up appearances in their infamous cutaway sketches. There’s also plenty of other references to other TV shows; some of which I don’t understand but they do their research when they refer to other cultures, but they have to relate to their current audience by being stereotypical for familiarisation. There’s a lot of confusion over who’s realistic at times, especially when they focus on the relationship between dog and baby. To be fair the other characters often don’t understand it either as the comedy is that they’re too ignorant of others. They also like to play a lot of pranks on their audience which can easily be accomplished through animation. But despite their antics, they’re also able to create a functional community of small-town life.
Saturday, 23 November 2024
A Modern Landscape #hanbury 8
Friday, 22 November 2024
Easy Cheesey
Cheese is supposed to last for a good few weeks. So it’s frustrating when you open it to find a coating of green snotty mould hidden underneath the thick plastic packaging. After a quick glance at the sell-by date, you might be in time to take it back to the shop for a replacement or a refund, providing that you’ve still got a receipt. You might even be able to exchange it for credit towards something else. Two tings come to mind as I attempt this process. Would I be able to prove that I’ve stored it correctly? Would the chill haze last on the journey back to the shop? And would I be able to prove that I hadn’t overloaded my fridge over the festive season? Fortunately, none of these questions were asked at the service desk, and as the holidays were coming to an end I got a full refund without hinderance. It must have been a faulty batch or storage issue at their end.
Thursday, 21 November 2024
Climbing the Mound #hanbury 7
Wednesday, 20 November 2024
Catching the Rye #dreamdiary 189
I’m visiting a small village to see a community play. The stage is set in a small square box garden at the back of the building. There’s a small row of seats but the rest of the audience is encouraged to stand behind underneath the awnings with plastic pints of beer. Rows of bunting cross the grass and in the middle sits a cardboard train from which the characters emerge. There’s some great in-jokes based on the villagers but it’s not hard to see who they’re about. After the show I feel the need to socialise with my fellow audience but I’m limited to how many drinks I can have and want to visit another establishment on the high street. I wander past the local chain pub followed by a micropub who has outside seating and the stillaging is on display through a glass window which has a Cask Marque sticker on. Next door is another micropub painted red with iron gates but the licensee is still getting ready to open for the evening. I suddenly realise that I haven’t donated anything for the community play, but rather than head back to the hall I decide to put some money in the church’s poor box.
Monday, 18 November 2024
Nip Slips #devilsdaughter 22
Luke opened his eyes. All that he could see were giant curves of silky-smooth flesh. At one point he found himself wedged in. It was warm and sticky and he could feel Lucinda’s gentle breathing and her long hair on his back. As he crawled forward, he could feel the outside air rush back around his body as he became less restrained. It was if he’d been inside a cocoon. It felt cold outside but he couldn’t stay inside his wife forever, even though he could probably survive by sucking on her teats like a newborn. But Lucinda would also need sustenance at some point to keep her luscious figure, though finding clothes and buildings to cover her would be difficult since she seemed to spill out and squeeze through every space that she’d come across. Still, they couldn’t stay here. Lucinda had managed to change her dress. It seemed to be a similar style to her wedding attire, though it was slightly smaller and in a bright crimson colour to match her hair. He wondered where she had obtained it. There certainly wasn’t space for anything to be hidden in between her assets. It was more likely that an admirer had brought it to her.
Sunday, 17 November 2024
Armed and Harmless #hanbury 6
Saturday, 16 November 2024
Homes Sold and Cash Missing
This sounds like a scam waiting to happen. It’s probably someone who’s advertised better rates than the known companies but fail to pay up because they can’t keep their commitments. It sounds easy at first as you put your trust into someone who will take care of everything for you, but when a few obligations aren’t met you start to get suspicious. It sounds like easy pickings off those who are persuaded to sign up by family members to ease the burden. What kind of a society do we live in when we trust these people over friends and family? Is it the way that they manage to worm themselves into their lives and strike a connection with them that doesn’t maker them feel lonely and isolated? It seems that there’s little that victims can do once they’ve agreed to this process and that the people involved are hard to track down. It sounds like it’s best to avoid them if you can.
Friday, 15 November 2024
Dropping for Hops #hanbury 5
Thursday, 14 November 2024
Why do you think British teens don’t sneak out at night like so many teens do in the US?
Maybe they do. They’re just better at not being caught. It could be a combination of the parent’s laziness and not bothering to enter the teenager’s room because all of the lights are off and there’s no TV or radio playing causing the parent to enter the teenager’s room and turn the devices off to save some money. Or perhaps it’s the thought of wandering the streets on a cold, dark night that put the teenagers off. Or perhaps teens know the value of completing tasks to be allowed out to socialise with friends and learn new skills rather than being locked up safe and sound. I suppose it depends on where they live. Towns will always be safer than cities simply because there’s less people and traffic about. There’s also the golden rule of never biting the hand that feeds you no matter how much you despise it. Or it could be that British drinking laws allow for British teens to drink younger than American ones.
Wednesday, 13 November 2024
Hanging Around Hanbury #Hanbury 4
Tuesday, 12 November 2024
My Song
You can do it! All you have to do is take the time to try. The rest will follow. The important thing is that you make an attempt no matter what state you’re in, and that you take the time to give it your best. Keep at it. Keep having a go. There’ll be lots of obstacles and distractions that’ll attempt to stop you but you’ll just have to say no. you’ll get your reward somehow. You just have to save it for afterwards. That way, it’ll feel like you’ve earned it more. It’s going to be tough, but if you feel that you’ve put the time in then you can’t blame yourself if something goes wrong. Just keep going until you need to stop and recharge, and don’t let other people take hold of your reins, especially if they’re going to try and do it for you. Remember that this sacrifice is all about making your future better. Don’t give up on your dreams.
Monday, 11 November 2024
The Sickie #warwick 39
Sunday, 10 November 2024
It was just what I asked for and what I expected. She just gets right into it and lets herself rip with no introduction at all. There’s no doubt that she could have misheard me for another command. It’s as if she’s been waiting for ages to ask for my permission. A little noise comes out. It’s followed by a description of what it was, just to be sure. I’m then given the option between choosing a recommended fart or asking for a random one. I’ve now learnt the difference between crispy farts, wet farts and frosty Christmas farts (supplied by Santa). I thought a non-wet fart would be a dry fart, but apparently it’s crispy. There’s also the option to learn about purchasing an extension pack if you’re really riveted. I never thought she would be so immersive with this. I’ve just asked for a fart alarm and tomorrow I’m going to be treated to a whole song. At least there’s no smell to follow.
Saturday, 9 November 2024
Chasing Tail #warwick 38
Friday, 8 November 2024
Expect the Unexpected
-The Doctor.
I’m quite disenchanted by this sometimes. I can anticipate
lots of things going wrong to the point of absurdity and get disappointed that
none of the events that I’ve envisioned actually occur. Sometimes it’s a good thing
that no-one gets kidnapped and I don’t have to play hero by breaking out a
first aid kit, and it’s always better to be prepared, but then it seems a waste
of resources when you don’t need the things that you’ve purchased. But if you
can anticipate it happening, then it’s better to prepare for it so that you’re
not caught short in case someone decides to test you. It all depends on the likelihood
of these things happening, and sometimes people expect you to be ready for them.
There’s even laws for this sort of thing. But life gets easier when everything
goes right and people make decisions that benefit you while being able to enjoy
themselves at the same time.
Thursday, 7 November 2024
Resistance isn't always Futile #warwick 37
Wednesday, 6 November 2024
Calling a Cab
How hard is it to get a taxi in this town? Half of the numbers that I’ve been given either ring out, give me an engagement tone or ask me to leave a message. Some of them call back to say that there’s not a taxicab company on this number any more and ask me to pass this message on to wherever I got this number from. Others have clearly figured out how to change or delist the number. Then when I do get through to someone they’re either fully booked or could accommodate me either forty-five minutes before or after my desired pick-up time. I then have to listen to precise instructions on where to meet them and hope that someone doesn’t try to steal my ride beforehand. I guess that I’m accustomed to living in a town where I’m told someone’s always available despite having to chase them up twenty minutes later.
Tuesday, 5 November 2024
Do We? #warwick 36
Monday, 4 November 2024
A Dodgy Drive #dreamdiary 188
I’ve acquired a BMV convertible. It’s an old classic car in metallic silver but there’s no roof and it looks in excellent condition. It’s got a large engine which sounds great and it fits nicely on the driveway. It’s a great deal at the moment but it’s not so practical in the winter and there’s nothing to secure my property. As I climb out of it, I suddenly realise that I’ve not no logbook to handover or service history to read. I still need to sort out an MOT alongside tax and insurance. And I’ve just given my old car away with the contents inside. I didn’t take anything out and I’ve got no idea where it is. I didn’t even look the BMW over or part with any money; it was just a straight swap that felt a good idea at the time. I’ve got a horrible feeling that I’ve just been fleeced.
Saturday, 2 November 2024
Fall Guy
I thought this film would have a fun outlook but it’s possible that I mistook it for something else. It does have its odd comical moments but the audience is prewarned before the antagonist fulfils their intentions. It would have been funnier if the writers had attempted to break the fourth wall. Instead we introduced to a cushy love story while offering insight into a world that isn’t considered by most people. Some of the outcomes were very predictable and I’m not entirely sure what the sidekick got up to during the boat scene. If there was a reference to him then I didn’t see it, neither will it encourage me to re-watch it to find out. Blunt offers little but cute and cuddly eye candy. It’s a film which dedicates itself to n overlooked team which takes risks to make these events happen. I’m sure it won’t be long before we go inside trailers and witness the lives of make-up artists.
Friday, 1 November 2024
The Wanderer #warwick 35
Thursday, 31 October 2024
The Local
Should your nearest and dearest be the one that’s nearest to you? The one you’ll never loose because it’s on the way home and you always use it despite the miserable landlady who doesn’t know how to keep a decent pint or keep the place clean which attracts a dodgy clientele that you’d rather not bond with? Or should it be somewhere where everyone knows you and the bar staff are happy to see you regardless of how many times you frequent the place? They’re always keen to hear your stories, make you laugh and get you to join in with their antics. Then there’s people that live around the corner that wouldn’t set foot into the place if you paid them but remember the old days when it was good and complains when it’s threatened with closure because there’s not enough money coming in to make the place profitable any more.
Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Bird's Eye View #warwick 34
Tuesday, 29 October 2024
Golden Street, Agra
Great food cooked at very reasonable prices served by polite and friendly staff. The restaurant was clean and comfortable inside with leather seats and the décor was similar to a 1950s American diner. We were a bit apprehensive at first as there were only two diners but we knew that we were onto a good thing when a small Indian family of fourteen people came in. We ordered our meals and the manager was able to advise us how hot the dishes were and how he could alter them to our preferences. They also serve a selection of Chinese dishes. We received complimentary poppadums accompanied by two different chutneys and some pickled onions. The portion size of the curries was excellent and we found that one order of rice and naan bread was enough to share between two of us. We had a lovely chat with the manager about how excellent his English was and the differences between his restaurant and those in Britain (which wasn’t much!).
Monday, 28 October 2024
Defensive Positions #warwick 33
Sunday, 27 October 2024
Temple Tots #empress 22
Despite the earth shaking, it was still busy at the temple. Maybe it was a sense of panic that encouraged people to go there. People weren’t sure whether to cram themselves inside or avoid it completely in case it collapsed. The occasional boom encouraged more people to step inside. Inside, the walls and ceiling were shaking. It wasn’t a great environment for contemplation and reflection, and the monks kept asking themselves what had gone wrong outside while trying their best to carry on as normal. There was a crash of lightning followed by a huge burst of sunlight. It was as if the rooftop had been torn open like some kind of packet.
In fact, that’s exactly what happened. Peering down at them
through the hole was the Empress.
‘Oh, hi little one’ she said, ‘I didn’t know that you came
here. But you should probably start following a new entity.’
Saturday, 26 October 2024
One is Not Amused #warwick 32
Friday, 25 October 2024
Lauren Laverne given 'all clear' following cancer diagnosis
So someone’s made a recovery from cancer. And that’s great. They’ve undergone a personal journey with a realistic transformation and a better outlook on life while appreciating the people who have helped her along the way. But I haven’t a clue who they are. I do watch the show that they’re involved with, but I’ve never seen them on it. It’s just ex-singers, wags, and footballers trying to make an extra buck. It makes you feel isolated when the media glorifies someone that you’ve never heard of. How are you supposed to know them? I realise that people do other things too, but I think there’s just too a high profile here for what they do. She’s been involved with some big names that I have heard of. I’ve no idea to suddenly seek her out after reading about her career. She’s involved with stuff that I’m not in to.
Thursday, 24 October 2024
It's all Relative #warwick 31
Wednesday, 23 October 2024
My parents are spending my inheritance. What can I do about it?
Have you drawn up a legal agreement or are you just concerned? If you have, the law is on your side and you can use it to force them into labour to protect yourself. Be aware that costs have increased and not everything runs according to plan. If you’re concerned, there’s other actions that you can take. You can seek out better employment or change your lifestyle so that money isn’t a worry to you. Or you could spend time with your parents. At least that way they’ll be sharing their wealth with you. They may also respect you for it. After all, it is their money. If they’re doing it out of spite, there’s not much you can do about it, unless you can prove that they’re incompetent in managing their funds and seek their power of attorney. But if you’re really desperate, you could make them disappear; though there are legal complications if you’re discovered.
Tuesday, 22 October 2024
Bricking It #warwick 30
Monday, 21 October 2024
Pukemobile #dreamdiary 187
It’s the first day of our holiday1 Our accommodation has a late-check-in so we’ve decided to kill some time by visiting a village stately home which is a bit of a walk away from where we’re staying. It’s further than we thought so we’ve called in a local taxi firm. There’s a bit of confusion over where our driver is going to meet us. We find our way out to the main road running through village. At first we get excited as a limo pulls up, then I realise that it’s a grey van. The taxi company has split our ride into two cars as some of us are going to different places and they don’t have large vehicles. I’m put into one lined with white walls and there’s malnourished children leaning up the sides. As we get moving, I notice that I’m covered in an orange substance. One of the kids is standing right behind me.
Sunday, 20 October 2024
A Future Viewpoint #warwick 29
Saturday, 19 October 2024
Why Must You Treat Me So?
I got bullied a lot at school. I always ended up doing different things and no-one seemed to want to correct or help me. The teachers all seemed to be elderly and didn’t want to offer correction. So I wanted a character that I could get revenge on to punish them back for ruining my childhood years. There were a few things that I had to find out for myself as I didn’t have much to offer in the way of friendship. So this is the person who would cause me the most harm or they attempted to isolate me at my expense to enhance their own social standing and admiration. And yet when I tried to defend myself I just seemed to make things worse as no-one else had the courage to come to my aid. And of course, when I retreated, I was the hot topic of the playground and people had plenty of opportunities to come forward and enhance the bullying. This is my journey and my struggle and an attempt to get the revenge that I couldn’t get in real life.
Friday, 18 October 2024
Potty Man #warwick 28
And it’s all because of this, a little pot with a pair of
eyes and a moustache moulded onto it, though you could be forgiven for thinking
that it might be a penguin. Perhaps it was an offering to a small god. Its belly
could be an angel with wings or a warrior preparing to fight. Perhaps it was
crafted in memory of someone like a servant. Or maybe it’s a new range
commissioned for the gift shop. It seems crazy that someone would purposefully
make this to display, unless something went wrong and they just got creative. It
might have been perched on a cork base, or one was provided and it’s hidden by
the cloth. Its shiny glaze doesn’t make it scream an ancient relic but you
never know. It’s too small for a water vessel, though it might have been used
to store something stronger. There’s even a rim that could be a hat.
Thursday, 17 October 2024
Give me a Vegetarian Recipe
It may seem a great idea at first to try something new, but it’s all done through the power of speech. Even if it’s a suggestion, you’re still going to have to google the whole thing including the ingredients and the method, or be prepared to write it down. Unless, of course, with a simple verbal agreement, Amazon has all of the ingredients boxed and ready to deliver to your home complete with an instruction card. Let’s just hope that you’ve got all the tools required to hand to prepare it. At least it tells you how long it takes to make it. It also gives you time to gather the ingredients, though you need to cook some of them first. Although by the time I’ve gathered them, Alexa seems to have forgotten what I was doing so I have to start the whole process over again. There’s also a lot to do in between steps.
Wednesday, 16 October 2024
#warwick 27
Tuesday, 15 October 2024
"There are good times and bad times in life. Today you may be sad, but remember, tomorrow will be a new day and there will always be a reason to smile."
-Marcelo Velloso
When there’s a dark day ahead, it may be easier to hide away
from it. Can you get away with not appearing? Can you feign an illness? What will
happen if you don’t attend? Sometimes the consequences can be worse. But with a
bit of preparation, you may find it easier to see it through. If you can see an
end to it, than you can focus upon its conclusion with a celebration. Find
something positive to focus in the day after and focus upon that. If you can
get a period of rest at the end of it then hopefully you’ll be able to move forward
the following day. It gets much harder when the sun comes up a lot later but
you have to force yourself into a routine. You’ll enjoy it a lot more if you
can encourage yourself to work through today’s problems otherwise it’ll keep
hanging over you.
Monday, 14 October 2024
Tiny Terrors #warwick 26
So what are the little girls going to be able to do with
this? There’s already a net in front of them so maybe they’ve already launched
something. It could be a ball full of powder that’s drifted off into the sky. They
could have called a press conference to declare war upon their teacher. Or they
could have already launched a reign of fire upon the door of the local sweet
shop. It’s not likely that they’ve invented the thing, although they could have
designed it and have recruited others to put the thing together. It would have
made a great school project, though full marks may not be given for demolishing
the school. One looks happy but the other has an expression of remorse as if
she’s considering the consequences of her actions. It’s either that or the
realisation that they’re going to have to share it with others.
Sunday, 13 October 2024
Gigging Around
I’ve never been inside this place for a gig. I’ve dropped people off outside and occasionally I’ve been into the foyer to check the parking policy where there’s a tidy bar, a foyer with sofas and chairs, a snack counter and a ticket office. I did venture in for my covid jab where a maze of curtains transformed the place but I did look up to see spotlights hanging from the ceiling. They’ve had a few events on here that I’ve been interested in but I was either unavailable or they sold out very quickly. It’s great to see the building up and running again as it supported many community events. But it looks like the group whop was running it for the community have now had the keys taken away from them as the new owners attempt to attract big names to the venue. I hope that they’re able to keep it running smoothly and that it doesn’t fall into disarray again.