Friday 22 July 2016

The Raid

‘Any good pickings today?’
‘No, it’s been quiet. Too cold for picnics.’
‘Looks like we're going to have to sort ourselves out again.’
‘What's that over there?’
‘That big triangular building? Dunno; it's human. I've always stayed away from it.’
‘Well, today I feel lucky. Coming for a womble?’
Jack stretched his neck out over to the pier. ‘Okay, but best go now while there's no-one about.’
The two took off and flew across the dock. As the coast was clear, they skidded to a halt on the water, then climbed out and slowly waddled towards the building.
‘After you’ said Jack.

Arnold stuck  his head into the building. He could hear noise of metals clanging from another room; but in the city he heard learnt that everything was loud and that there was only danger if he actually saw it. As he ventured further in, he could smell pine and dead tree. No food though. Suddenly, the whole room lit up and he gave a honk in surprise; flapping his wings in shock. As he did so, a box tumbled off its pile; and hit the floor, spelling its contents. ‘Jackpot’. 

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