Monday 25 July 2016

Baltic Fleet Summer Ale at the Baltic Fleet, Liverpool

On my second visit to the Baltic Fleet, it quickly became evident that it had just been refurnished. In the days of the docks; this pub would be perfectly situated to serve thirsty workers in the cellar and there was even rumour of smuggling in the cellar; though you’d struggle to think of this pub as catering for the working man today. The smell of new paint was still in the air trying to escape off its green wooden beams and into our lungs. On my last visit here; the beers were clearly under the name of Wapping; evidently this side of the business had been sold, but the beer brewed on-site was still very refreshing. But it’s not just the inside that has changed; the outside hasn’t got a stain on it which is very impressive for a city centre pub We sat for a while looking at the local literature while contemplating the rest of our journey; while at the same time we were looking around to distinguish the local from the weekend visitor.  

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