Saturday 2 July 2016

God's Waiting Room

I've found God’s waiting room and it's in the heart of Yorkshire! After climbing down the Chevin we took shelter in the Old Cock Inn, an old pub in the middle of Otley. Walking in was just like visiting the saloon, with just a handful of locals at the bar and the fall of silence and suspicion. After peeping around the corner into the pub’s reading room where two men sat at separate tables reading newspapers; I broke the ice by buying some beer. I started with Brass Castle’s Hazelnut Mild, an excellent beer containing many flavours. There was also a local cycle-themed beer from Briscoe’s (perfect timing as a race was due to pass through the town that very evening) and an IPA from Durham, all in excellent condition.  Throughout this experience, my friend raised eyebrows from the upper class middle-aged barmaid whose accent was too posh to be local; and also reflected the process of the beer. But after constantly asking for soda water; he too broke the ice on our final round as he chose to opt for some cider. 

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