Tuesday 12 July 2016

Champion Beer of Britain

This year’s Supreme Champion Beer of Britain 2016 is Bingham’s Vanilla Stout which is brewed in Berkshire, and it also won a gold medal in the Speciality category. The silver medal in the Speciality category went to Titanic brewery in Staffordshire for its Plum Porter; while the Shropshire-based Salopian brewery took silver in the Best Bitter category with Darwin’s Origin and joint bronze in the Bitter category with Salopian Gold.
We hope that you’ve had the chance to try some excellent beers over the summer, from festival favourites to new discoveries…and now it’s make your mind up time! CAMRA members can vote for their favourite regional beers in eleven different categories from Best Bitters and Porters to Golden Ales and Milds. Once the voting process has closed, the top beers from each category are put to blind tastings in competitions around the region, and the final winners will be judged during the Great British Beer Festival in August 2017. Who knows, the next Supreme Champion Beer of Britain could be chosen by you!

To vote, just log onto www.cbobvoting.org.uk with your CAMRA membership details before 1 November 2016. The overall winner will be announced at the Great British Beer Festival 2017 and it could be chosen by you! Join the debate at #votecbob   

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