Thursday 28 July 2016

Big Queen Vic

Liverpool is just full of hidden treasurers. While wondering around trying to find our next pub, we wondered into a square containing an awe-inspiring giant monument in tribute to Queen Victoria. The open dome features a fourteen-foot statue on a pedestal holding a sceptre. Hiding just behind the monument on the other side of a very thin line of trees is the Queen Elizabeth Law Courts; a strange name considering the monument was there first. I suppose the stern gaze of Victoria causes many modern-day offenders to reflect on their crimes and compare their sentence to Victorian times and how lightly they’ve escaped the gallows. It’s also strange that the square was named Derby Square; surely Castle Square would have been a much more suited name since that was the site of Liverpool’s castle. Unfortunately my friend wasn’t impressed; so I didn’t have much time to explore or reflect upon the irony. 

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