Tuesday 19 July 2016

Pristine Pasta

When my folks go away, I usually make my own pasta bake with chicken, bacon sweetcorn and mushrooms all in a tomato-based sauce. Usually it makes a huge mess and I never have a pot big enough to put all the ingredients in and the cost can add up quite quickly too. Lately, I’ve found myself at Asda to do my grocery shopping; as all the food seems vert reasonably priced and it’s also the closest supermarket. So I actually tried one of their freshly ready-made pasta meals; and it was way better than my own as the ingredients actually blended with each other. For the coup-de-grace, I also bought some meatballs to try; but couldn’t work out what was the best way of cooking them. I ended up frying them in a wok then stirred them into some snack pasta and added bacon, mushrooms and cheese for a very satisfying meal. 

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