Saturday 23 July 2016

Abandon Hope for Labour

So now that we've had a new Tory leader, Labour is also trying to get in on the act. Jeremy Corbyn has taken up the reins, a washed-uphold bearded man who dresses like Mr. Bean and lives in a similar property. Although he supported the Prime Minister during the Brexit vote; his actions of late haven't won him any favours; principally the video on one of Branson’s trains trying to highlight how overcrowded the trains were. Next we have Owen Smith who seems a lot more confident; but his first action seems to be trying to undo the Brexit vote. So there's two Labour factions at the moment; and neither of them are doing themselves any favours. The Lib Dems seem to have given up; and UKIP seemed to have dissolved now that Farage has stepped down to fly to the US to help mad ol’ Trumpy. So it looks like we’re stuck with the Tories for a while…

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