Tuesday 5 July 2016

Independence Day: Resurgence

It’s been twenty years since the aliens have tried to destroy Earth, and in that time they say that world peace has been achieved with the help of technology that we just don’t understand. Yet, twenty minutes into the film, we’re currently into the realms of an African Warlord/Dictator who is clearly marking his territory. The wisecracks and rivalry seem to have been written out of this sequel, and the new characters don’t have enough screen time or experience to recreate the atmosphere of its predecessor. I spent most of the film identifying whether each character was in the first film and comparing their new role to pre-invaded Earth. There is a scope for a third movie to assist the new alien race in destroying our invaders, but I think that this relationship isn’t explored enough in this film to give it merit. Just two hours later I was relaxing in the pub with a pint of Conwy’s California.

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