Saturday 16 July 2016

The Mersey Wheel

High up in the Merseyian sky is an old bird looking for a place to cry.
As it flaps its tired wings, it constantly sees metal things.
When it was young, it flew over here and saw only the river it held so dear.
Back then it was shining oh so blue, and the land stretched out as green as dew.
Come night the light was a perfect dark, and the stars did shine for this young lark
To find its way across the land and help re-join its merry band.
But then man came and brought in brass, and built up buildings made out of glass.
They brought in rock and moulded steel all to create this Merseyian wheel.
And now the light is always there shining on this land so bare
And the people never seem to rest, always making more noise and mess.
All it wants is to find a perch on an old and tall silver birch,

But all the trees have been taken away and man has ruined this peaceful bay.

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