Wednesday 27 July 2016

Roadside Ramifications #dreamdiary8

I was driving on a duel carriageway, and was approaching a roundabout and needed the left lane. Unfortunately, there was traffic ahead, and the car in front was taking up both lanes as he’d occupied the wrong one. This meant that his car flew up into the air as I hit his left side front tyre, then came back down to Earth on the carriageway. I got out to check the damage, and the driver was unconscious. I got out my phone to call for help and dialled 999 but for some reason I couldn’t get through. A crowd gathered around me to help, and I had to ask someone else to dial for an ambulance. Luckily his passenger was conscious and unscathed; and a few moments later the driver gained conscious and after being checked over by paramedics we were able to move the wreckage and exchange information. We’d somehow managed to hit each other’s tyre, and my tyre was a perfect oval shape.

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