Wednesday 4 May 2016

Walking with Giants

We’d heard that bad weather was approaching land fast, so after a hearty lunch we made the Giant’s Causeway our next stop. We tiptoed past the sleek modern visitor’s centre (which you have to pay admission even for the gift ship) and boarded the courtesy bus down to the shore. And what a sight it was. There in front of us were dozens of rock formations all ready for the exploring. One of our party was quite timid and refused to leave the soil; but we climbed and posed to our heart’s content. In the distance was a coastal path leading to yet more rock formations; showing another great reason to come back and explore this Emerald Isle. The waves were coming thick and fast until finally the rain really did start to hit and we all piled back onto the shuttle bus to take us back to the top of the cliff, alongside the rest of mainland China; as tourist upon tourist could not make up their mind whether or not to ride up or not. Finally, we took shelter in a pub while we waited for our guide to return.

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