Sunday 22 May 2016

A Pineapple Palova

On Friday I decided to get the weekend off to a good start to celebrate Dad’s birthday by going for a curry. Having gone off my usual; I opted for something different and opted for the Malayan Chicken Biryani. I had hoped that this dish would come in a different styled sauce; maybe slightly more ‘ketchupy’ or a bit hotter. What was actually presented to me seemed to be a normal Biryani. I fished through the rice and chicken, put the omelette aside and even had a roam in the vegetable curry dish; but couldn’t come across any pineapple at all. After having a word with the waiter, the manager came over and fished through the rice only to point out bits of pineapple at me. He then decided to bring an extra two rings of pineapple for me so I could be assured that pineapple was present. I did tip a bit more than I usually do, but I can’t help thinking that surely the dish could be better described as Chicken Biryani with Pineapple? I wonder how much extra it cost?

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