Monday 16 May 2016

Eye in the Sky #dozo1

As the sun began to appear over the horizon, Dozo knew he was running out of time. He must reach the Great Oak, but to do so would be safest from a great height so that he could work out what the strange noises below were. He took off and flew as high as he dared, until the pond below him was just a small speck. Then he headed into the distance. Down below were men in orange jackets, walking up and down the field. Mud was everywhere as if a whole army had been digging into the earth. Spaced out every few yards were shiny yellow objects moving up and down where the field had been. Surrounding their trail were hundreds of felled trees. Dozo circled and watched as one of these shiny objects scooped up a log and placed it onto another shiny object, only this one was longer.

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