Thursday 26 May 2016

Oh Deer...

I’ve had the bad fortune to hit two young deer in under two weeks. Both seemed to be OK, and dashed off into the foliage beyond and out of sight; though I’ve no idea what the extent of their injuries were. The first one was on a wide open stretch of straight country road at night; and after it entered my peripheral vision all I could do was honk my horn and flash my lights while breaking to try to warn it to stay away. In a panic, it then started to charge all over the road. I did manage to bring my car to a stop; though I was amazed at how light it was unless I’d managed to reduce my force by then. The second time was on a slip road as I was climbing a hill on a corner; and again it just emerged out from the foliage. This just goes to show that the Highways Agency really do need to trim the verges or fence off this woodland from our roads.

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