Tuesday 3 May 2016

Captain America: Civil War

When I first heard that Captain America would be involved in a civil war, I was very much looking forward to this title. The last film where Hydra rose to take over the world by destroying S.H.I.E.L.D was very exciting with plenty of action whinging its way. This film would see America tearing itself apart under some sort of conspiracy with our favourite hero swerving through the battle trying to expose the deception and unite everyone once again. But when I heard that it would be a superhero against superhero movie; I immediately groaned as the path looked set to follow the same plotline of batman V Superman. However, the film is still very enjoyable, and the action and the debates are very intense. It’s a bit hard to hide the Avengers now that they’re all recruited; but to confine a civil war to a battle of just five people on each team is a bit extreme and egotistic.  

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