Saturday 28 May 2016

The off-factor

Having been on the roads a lot lately, it’s really off-putting to hear the show’s host suddenly start to talk about things that are getting them down. it’s not just bad stories in the news but their own personal problems. Do they see it as our public duty to phone or tweet in to cheer them up a bit while they sit on their fat arse playing songs? It’s a real off-factor; and if I hear anyone moaning on the radio then I certainly don’t want to support them and change the station right away. It’s also annoying when they share in-studio jokes that we can’t really participate in; such as when they talk about a picture and don’t describe it. You kind of want to remind them that listeners can’t see pictures on the radio. The final rant is about a local commercial radio station that broadcasts past events as upcoming items. It’s so out of Touch FM.

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