Wednesday 18 May 2016

Should We Stay Or Should We Go?

The big day is coming as to whether or not we should leave the European Union. It’s quite clear that we should. Every day we hear stories about the mass migration and the delays it has caused us on the Eurotunnel. We hear stories of how E.U migrants are welcome to claim benefits in our country, take our jobs and be given equal status to those who already reside here. More and more countries are applying to join the European Union simply to take advantage of the cash bonuses that we are putting in. And yet, for far too long the E.U has failed to patrol its borders; share resources to police its residents and create a super state; all at the cost of ourselves. The government says that there will be a period of economic instability should we leave which includes job losses; but there are a number of traditional industries which have been shut down already. Let’s make Britain great again and take back our country. Vote leave.

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