Saturday 14 May 2016

The Search #scavenger3

Lee gazed into the microphone. With the battle fleet approaching, he knew there wasn't much time remaining before the people of Arona would be fleeing for their lives. He pressed the transmit button and sang, picturing Kelsey trapped in a capsule on the other side of the universe. He pictured the last time he saw he, marching in anger out the door and into the satellite station. He wanted to tell her to keep her anger, to keep fighting and never give in to the government’s search for the Earth. He was desperate to find her to protect her and the planet from being discovered by these tyrants.
The wires on his head started to vibrate.
‘It’s found her’ said the Professor, ‘It’s transmitting.’
‘She can hear me?’
‘She’ll be able to, yes. There’s always a delay as the transmission has to travel across the realms of space.’
‘Can you pinpoint her location?’

‘Let’s see.’

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