Friday 15 April 2016

You can't take that...!

More efforts are being made to try and ban one of the humblest pastimes of all time; photography. Just recently on our Belfast tour we arrived on the set of a Game of Thrones location; only to be thwarted seconds later by a man in a van trying to block our view of the site. If there was actually any filming taking place then I could understand; but to physically ban people from entering the site is a stage too far. Surely they should be thankful of such a following and allow people to visit; or better yet charge for a guided tour? But to have to have the area closed off completely and even to attempt to halt recordings is a bit too far. Here then, for all you Game of Thrones fans, is a zoomed version of what I took. I have absolutely no idea what it is other than it might be called Blackcastle, hopefully one of these days I’ll get round to watching it.

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