Saturday 23 April 2016

Wherefore Thou Art Fireworks?

So here I am in Stratford upon Avon in a crowd of hundreds of people waiting to celebrate Shakespeare’s 400th anniversary with a fantastic fireworks display. The practice run which was the town’s new year’s eve celebrations was compared with those of London, and even made the morning papers. So for the last forty minutes we have been shivering in the crowd awaiting the start. There was some excitement just after ten when lights began to turn off inside. Then twenty minutes later a cameraman arrived to much cheer. After another twenty minutes an announcement was made as the tv people were running behind. We’re now doing Mexican waves asking where art thou fireworks and watching out for any signs of life from the show inside. I was really looking forward to this show but my faith in Big Will is starting to shake, I just hope it's worth the wait…

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