Tuesday 26 April 2016

Hanging by a Thread

Owned by the National Trust; the Carrick-Rede rope bridge us well worth visiting. It's suspended 100 feet above sea level and offers a great view of the coastline, as well as the surrounding area. It's about a ten minute walk to the bridge; and you really want to time your crossing right, as you may get held up by coach parties. For health and safety reasons; only eight people at a time are allowed on the bridge which is carefully controlled by the Trust’s marshals. I asked if it was the same way back and the reply was; ‘Well, how good’s your swimming?’ Unfortunately, they'd sealed off the top of the cliff point because of the strong wind, but we still had a good crossing and even had a few minutes on our own for photographs; as some of our tour party weren't up for the crossing and wanted to see the bridge. But as soon as we’d made our return crossing a coach appeared; and the queues soared as nervous nellies waited for their turn to daintily cross. 

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