Tuesday 5 April 2016

CAMRA's Good Beer Guide to include 24 hour format.

This was just one of the many changes to policy that took place during the CAMRA member weekend. Straight away I felt that it was a bad idea; as times in a 12-hour format are much easier to read. I was interested to hear the arguments of the proposers; which I felt fell right out of a train spotter’s guide. These people are trying to make the guide idiot-proof; but it will do more harm than good. Firstly, you are insulting the intelligence of those who purchase the Good Beer Guide, who may not necessarily be CAMRA members and therefore have no impartial say on improvements to the publication. Secondly, it’s sending mixed messages to the trade; that we are now supporting 24-hour drinking and need to clarify that a cosy backstreet boozer is not open from 10pm to 5am on a Wednesday evening. The extra characters may even take up more space in the pub listing section. Sadly, I was unable to write an opposing speech in time, and the motion was clearly carried. This is perhaps one of the last motions ever put to a live debate; since members are now able to vote on motions without hearing all the arguments.

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