Saturday 30 April 2016

That's a Big Pot...

Built mostly out of limestone, this structure might not look like much; but if you look at the traffic cones below its easily over fifteen feet high! There must have been a big pottery business in Northern Ireland as this is one hell of a kiln. Either they were in the trade early to make scale models of the Giant’s Causeway, or they’re the proud manufacturers of the world’s biggest teapot which now resides in West Virginian. Bur for all I know, it could be a front for a traffic cone factory. Perhaps it was a multi-purpose structure with pottery at the bottom and a bakery at the tip to feed hungry fishermen? There may have even been a middle section for them to grill or smoke their catches ready for market. But the holes at the top suggest it may have been used for defence purposes as it’s so near the coast.

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