Monday 11 April 2016

Chasing Tail #dreamdiary7

Last night’s dream involved a new role in canine companionship. My new job was to look after dogs while people were on holiday, but this particular dog was being sent by train and I had to go to the station to meet him. My business was based in Wooton Wawen, an area I'd always want to explore owing to the source of the river Alne and its waterfall alongside many footpaths and plenty of wildlife; in short; a haven for walking dogs. I often visited my customers to collect my clients, but I'd never had to collect one via public transport before. Luckily, the recent addition in microchipping had allowed me to track this dog in person, which was lucky as I'd missed meeting the train and the dog had already disembarked. But who was the owner of this mysterious client who had paid in advance, and what sort of canine were they sending?

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