Monday 18 April 2016

Serious Soverignty

They certainly take their sovereignty seriously in Northern Ireland. In the town of Larne on the north coast, local unionists have got together to build a giant eight metre crown on a roundabout to demonstrate their loyalty to the throne in time for the Queen’s Jubilee, which is a bit of a shame if Queenie isn’t going to make the effort to see it. Unfortunately, the crown is not yet on Google Street View, and others want the crown removed in the interests of equality since the Jubilee has now passed. This is a town that has a regular annual march to demonstrate its loyalties to Irish independence, which takes place just before St. Patrick’s day. I wonder if the crown will survive after this display? It will certainly make for an interesting battleground, as the defenders would be surrounded on all sides and would have to build barracks on the road itself in order to fight back. Get there quick if you want to see it.  

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