Wednesday 13 April 2016

Booby Trap

Yesterday must have either been a slow news day, or we really have become a nation of perverts. Our headlines were dominated by cowboy surgeons who go unchecked on their practices for botched jobs. Again, this is another perfect example of the government taking far too long to act on something which should really be in place already. Of course, sometimes it’s necessary to cover or repair a major trauma or injury. But for those who live in vain constantly seeking botox treatments to slow down the clock, it makes you think how many chances has this person wasted to move onto the next step of their life, and that they refuse to accept the inevitable? To help prevent this, welcoming special deals have now been banned to attempt to halt people from becoming addicted to this specialist treatment; as it’s obviously an expensive process and people often use different practitioners to get these deals. But it’s good that the government is trying to clamp down on this vain aspect of human selfishness.

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