Saturday 2 April 2016

Belfast Cathedral

I've never known a public cathedral to be so effectively policed. Even from the outside square, the adjacent park of this cathedral is under the eagle eyes of a litter patrolman who is just waiting to catch you out. The stone cross on the east side is much cleaner than the rest of the building, so perhaps some restoration work has been completed as a result of the city’s conflict. Inside, the main entrance is restricted to just one of the three large arches; forcing you into the west side and towards the entrance booth, where a £5 fee awaits you; probably to pay for the outside stone cross. Usually, churches are free to visit so I thought this to be a bit much. And so, instead of taking a grand tour, I had just enough time to take a sneaky snapshot of the mosaic in the visitor’s chapel before whisking the lads back outside again. 

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