Wednesday 3 February 2016

West Midlands Burns Crawl: The Wellington, Birmingham

After informing the organiser that I was running late, I found out that the crawl wouldn’t be moving on for a good hour, which gave me time to catch up in the Wellington with a half of Jard from Fyne Ales. When I learnt that the next pub was just down the road at the Post Office Vaults, I thought it was hardly an inspired route of Birmingham, but dove right in and met my fellow crawlers. I tried to stay out of rounds as there were some heavy drinkers about, and didn’t to have to want to keep up. I also decided to stay at the low end of the beers, so my next beer was an interesting gingerbread mild from Riverhead brewery in Nottingham. These beers were ok, but probably weren’t being shifted enough which affects their beer quality, which is a shame as there were fourteen other beers to choose from. 

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