Tuesday 23 February 2016

Spring Pint Taken EditorAle

We’d like to apologise to our readers as this issue is out a little later than usual. Like many of CAMRA’s campaigns, activities and beer festivals; Pint Taken is produced by an active team of volunteer CAMRA members; some of which are balancing a number of hats to ensure the continuing success of the campaign. It’s important for new volunteers to come forward and offer their services. So why not pop along to your next branch meeting and see how you can help out?

People have often wondered of the importance of the beer tax campaign. A penny off a pint may not sound like much in this day and age; and often it’s not seen at the bar in full view of the customer. This year, we’re even less likely to see a reduction owing to the increasing costs in labour owing to the new living wage. But it’s the fact that we’re putting a halt on any previous increase in duty which would see costs for the beer industry rise even further. It’s also important to demonstrate that the UK still has one of the highest rates on beer tax in Europe; and bring this crippling fact to the attention of our politicians. So please do your bit to help preserve our pub heritage by writing to your MP today.  

And now that the sun is shining and the days are getting warmer and longer; it’s time to Spring out there and seek out the best beers that our pubs have to offer. Cheers!

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