Friday 5 February 2016

Meeting the Top Beer Crew

I’ve met the Top Beer Crew! On our tour through Birmingham, I was introduced to Kevin and his team who make films about beer! We met in the Post Office Vaults where I enjoyed a golden ale called Autopilot from the Wingtip brewery in Hampshire. They’re based in Solihull and travel round the country to document excellent beer. I probably wouldn’t be able to keep up with them though. The pub itself is quite small, and is modelled in the style of a beer café; but its one room can make things very cramped if you’re not lucky enough to get a seat. But they do have an extensive bottled beer menu, which is what the Brummies threw themselves into as soon as they got there. But I thought the strength was a bit too much considering this was only our second stop. While I was here, I also tried a Shunters Pole from the Muirhouse Brewery in Derbyshire. Both beers were in better condition than than its sister pub, the Wellington.

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