Saturday 20 February 2016

I smashed up Smosh

Another app bites the dust. Last night, I deleted Smosh Food Battle from my gaming list. I’d completed the platform on all three difficulties; and was working my up to upgrade all weapons and; more importantly; evolve my pet. I managed to get a weapons pet about a quarter of the way then one day I forgot to feed it and it died; forcing me to buy another. This second pet was much rarer; and this time I got it levelled up to a third of the way; but it then turned out that I was giving it the wrong food; so it too died. In my last attempt, I decided to start the game from scratch to devote the right resources to the right upgrades; and though my first pet was very common; things were going well. Until last night; my pet wouldn’t even show itself on-screen with its special abilities. So rather than waste time trying to figure out the game’s bug; I decided to quit and get out. So goodbye Smosh.

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