Friday 26 February 2016

How to make a million

‘If you had a million pounds you could live off the interest alone’. I've been toying with a rag to riches story where a man walks into a bank and asks for a loan of exactly that. The story would be some kind of con scheme where he’d live off credit and reputation alone without paying a penny. This might have worked if it’s set in the early twentieth century; but that may be more research than its worth and the modern day man may not relate to it. In today’s terms, it's too unrealistic. For starters, you would be receiving less than £10,000 a year as you would inevitably have to spend some money to survive before your first interest is due. And then there's the cost of how long the loan is for; and the repayments to pay it back. But now that I think about it; the final result could actually be a rom-com rather than a con or a grand sell of everything he owes. I just like the idea of someone walking into a bank and asking for a million. 

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