Tuesday 2 February 2016

How old is my laptop?

As I concluded my investigations of my aunt’s computer, I started wondering just how old my machine is. It freezes at times but catches up slowly; and does have to re-load the odd web page every now and again but it’s battling through. The annoying thing is the screen, it just attracts so much dust, and also it’s very hard to see it in direct sunlight. I may need to get a blackout blind fitted, but when you compare it to other machines, it is considerably worse. So I started to google ways to tell how hold your machine is. Now the geeks out there have got really picky; are you looking for the date your bought your machine, the date that it was born, the date of each component; or the most user friendly obvious; when was it first turned on? How dork are you guys out there? I was told to check the receipt, check the BIOS file, run command prompts that loaded and vanished before I could read them, and check the hard drive properties. Eventually, I remembered that one of the first things that I did when I got my computer was to copy all my files from my old machine to the new one, and I checked a few of the photo folders which I knew to pre-date the machine and got the date from when I created the folders. So I’ve had it new from the shop for six years, and I don’t really care how long it was from the factory to the shop because I wasn’t using then.

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