Tuesday 9 February 2016


So today's my first morning back at work after a week away sorting out the festival. We've had a new alarm system installed; and I've been told that I didn't need to do anything about the backdoor and got a new identity tag and some instructions. I didn't get to lock the store that evening as the delivery team arrived just as we were leaving. So today was the first time I got to use it. We got in ok and did the usual preparations, then I went to open the backdoor in preparation for our van checks. All of a sudden, alarms start to sound which is contrary to what I've been told. It turns out that the goods in door is now connected to the smoke cloak; which has started spraying at the other end of the shop. At the same time, the fire alarm started which overrode the electrical supply to the door. After making contact with a few managers I eventually got hold of a helpline which told me that they no longer support my store. I gave up, sent someone out through the fire escape to release the doors from the outside, then waited for the smoke to clear. We gave up on the backdoor; so brought everything through to the front. Amazingly, we only departed twenty minutes late. 

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