Thursday 11 February 2016

Star Wars: The Force (re) Awakens

I finally got around to seeing the new Star Wars film. I was surprised to see that there were a fair few people in the cinema watching it considering it had been out a fair while. That said, the film truly is a sellout to Disney. It’s just coincidence that Ren steals the Millennium Falcon; which is just coincidence that it’s salvaged by Hans Solo and Chewbacca. But why didn't the First Order simply turn on the force field when Finn and Ren escape the Star Destroyer?Once again, there's a bloody big spaceship for the rebels to blow up which has a very similar weakness to the point that you may as well name it Death Star III.  The producers probably made a good decision to write an exit plot for Hans, he probably wouldn't survive another two films. And the supreme master just seems to be a gigantic version of Lord Voldemort . I think the only novel thing that made it enjoyable is the obese robot that rolls around everywhere. I bet R2 made him. 

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