Tuesday 13 October 2015

The Lantern

Lights flash in a vertical pattern, slowly getting brighter and brighter. The torso begins to revolve silently in a clockwise direction. As it completes its first revolution, it comes to a halt. The triangular sections of the upper and lower panels of the light begin to fold outward. Two lights can be seen flashing intermediately; a blue light emitting from the top; and a red light from below. The room suddenly grows dark. An electronic siren sounds as the remaining light panels slide open; together with the iron railings below. As the siren ceases, a spiral staircase emerges leading down into the ground. Yellow lights replace red and blue, illuminating each step. The topmost panel flashes yellow. Then the opportunity passes. The spiral staircase descends back into the ground. The panel slides shut, and the lantern revolves once in an anticlockwise direction before coming to a halt and the light dims.

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