Friday 23 October 2015

Merrimen Merriweather at The Harp, Trafalgar Square

I was really looking forward to this pub as it was a former CAMRA Pub of the Year winner; even though the pub had changed hands from a pubco onto Fuller’s. The good news was that Fuller’s hadn’t restricted the new licensees on their choice of microbreweries. The bad news was that it was a small corner pub…and it was absolutely rammed. The bar was in a single corridor room; with a few tables either side of it. There was an outside area in the form of a corridor; though I did walk right past the pub before discovering its entrance. There may have been an upstairs drinking area which may have been quieter; but I wanted to stay in the hustle and bustle of the pub atmosphere. Unfortunately, it was office quitting time; and the pub was packed with pre-journey commuters. There wasn’t really any space to prop up the bar and engage with the regulars; and I was forced to hang onto a bench to enjoy my half pint. Beer was good; not in great condition; but tasted well.

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