Sunday 25 October 2015

Hammerton N1 at the Royal George, Euston

Having arrived at Euston, I thought one last pub before the final trip home would be fitting. A quick search found that the Royal George fit the criteria; a Victorian brick pub just opposite the entrance of Euston Station. Inside; I discovered yet again that every table was full as many other people had the same idea to relax before the long commute home. I had also been tempted by food until I discovered that the pub’s menu was an identikit of the Taylor & Walker variety. I managed to find a spot at the bar which occasionally caused me to move as it was directly opposite the pub’s card payment machine. However, the beer was in great form, and I even managed to find a brewery that I’d never heard of, and it was local too. As I left the pub; it must have been a spot of gold as a rainbow formed underneath it! 

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