Tuesday 6 October 2015

Rushven Barracks

As the sun was setting we arrived at Ruthven barracks. Fortunately the site was unmanned so we had the whole place to ourselves. These barracks were built to house 120 men but were held by just twelve following the aftermath of the Battle of Culloden. Inside, the parade ground is still evident alongside the well; and you can also see where the beams went into place for each floor of the quarters. The stables are well preserved which also provides a great view of the surrounding hills. We also got spotted by a drone; which was being flown by a man in a dodgy white van a few miles away. Whether we were being filmed or not is unknown; but he sped away once I took a picture of his van. We certainly weren’t trespassing. However, once again Scottish Heritage had managed to get their hands on preserving the site; moving all beams and decorations into storage.

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