Wednesday 21 October 2015

Journey to the entrance of...Fuller's Brewery

It was a nice sunny day; and I’d actually arrived at the brewery despite the tube delays; and didn’t even get lost. I paused for a while in a park as I didn’t want to arrive too early. It was a good job I had a towel with me; as the park bench was sopping wet. I decided to try for a selfie of the brewery; though the angle was very hard to get owing to a busy duel carriage way right in front of it. Then came the task of finding the right building. The first place to try was the pub since that was the nearest place and it was also open; a rarity for 9:30 in the morning. Inside, breakfast was being served; but the barmaid had no idea of what was going on. Luckily one of the brewery workers was tucking into his breakfast; and directed me to the main reception. Here; I had to sign in and was given a pass to the main gate. After getting directions off the watchman and finding the accounts department; I finally arrive in the cafeteria where I meet the rest of the group.

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