Friday 9 October 2015


At lunchtime we arrived in the city of Edinburgh and straight into the heart of the fringe festival. Our goal here was to meet an old college friend; which we duly did in the Jolly Judge. As we were waiting; we overheard a debate as to whether or not Hogwarts was real; to which we duly answered; ‘These Muggles’! We also saw a spitfire in the parade area of the Royal Tattoo; where our friend managed to sneak by my other buddy while I was in the gift shop. The pub has had an interesting history of local magistrates passing through before going on to pass sentence in court; a practice that is sadly lacking today.We were then treated to a whistle-stop tour of the National History Musuem; where we ducked in and out of the corwds with the help of our local guide. I have yet to ascend to the mound in Edinburgh; ride the wheel or visit Camera Obscura. Perhaps time will allow me on my next visit. 

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